it gb de
casa san sebastiano

the places to visit in toscolano maderno

Toscolano Maderno, represents an important historical and economical reality for the Coast of Upper Garda. The two main towns and their suburbs are of notable artistic and natral interest: in Maderno, in piazza San Marco, the monument to Zanardelli (1909); the Romanesque parish of Sant’Andrea (XII th century), shaped in Veronese style but Lombard for its architectural mouldings. The great forge in the Valle delle Cartiere in Toscolano merits a visit, it is one of the most important archaeological industrial sites in North Italy. In the valley, where a recent spate of excavations brought to light the structure of a 16th century paper factory, and you should not miss a visit to the paper Museum. The parish church of Santi Pietro e Paolo (1584) on the Gardesana, noted for the celebrated cycle of paintings by Andrea Celesti (1637-1712). Nearby the renaissance Sanctuary of the Madonna del Benaco can be foud, with frescoes dating to the late 5th early 6th centuries and the remains of an imposing Roman villa.

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